Center for Christianity
and Scholarship

A Home for Christian Life & Learning at Duke

We believe that Christian intellectual exploration & imagination yield abundant life.

God calls us to love him as whole people, with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Too often, modern Christians have neglected to love God with their whole minds, fearing that intellectual inquiry endangers faith. But when we dare to question, test, and learn with open minds and hearts receptive to God, reason strengthens our faith, deepens our relationship with Christ, and equips us to be better citizens of the university and the world. The truly abundant life embraces our whole humanity—spirit and intellect, reason and faith, theory and practice, eruditio et religio.

We help Duke students and faculty:

Think Christianly

We believe that Christians are called to excel in every field of academic study to the glory of God—from history to biology to economics to engineering to computing, and more. Connecting students and faculty with scripture, the best of the Christian tradition, and brilliant thinkers today, we foster the exploration of life's important questions from a distinctively Christian perspective.

Build Community

CCS is a resource for everyone at Duke who is interested in the Christian intellectual tradition— for faculty, graduate students, and undergrads, Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox, cradle Christians and people of no religious faith looking for answers or arguments. By hosting conversations on questions that matter, CCS fosters deep friendships with like-minded lovers of truth.

Engage the University

Bridging the gap between what we learn in church on Sunday and what we learn in lectures and labs throughout the week, we equip students and faculty to engage the university with Christian understanding. Students and faculty who are well-informed about Christian doctrine, respectful and curious about other sources of knowledge, and eager to dialogue across differences will be winsome witnesses for Christ at Duke and beyond.

What we offer

Courses and Reading Groups

CCS offers both for-credit and extracurricular courses on a wide range of topics, like “Science and Faith,” “Can the New Testament Be Trusted?” and “Beauty, Suffering, and the Cross.” We partner with Duke faculty to offer half-credit house courses and full-credit departmental courses. We also offer extracurricular seminars, master classes, and reading groups.

Weekly Wednesday Meals

Each Wednesday, CCS hosts an informal social time to relax and connect with fellow Christians. Drop in on Wednesday evenings for free food and lively conversations on everything from Duke basketball to infant baptism, from tech addiction to contemporary Christian art. 

CCS House

The CCS House, located just off of East Campus, is open Monday-Friday as a study space. Whether you’re looking for a quiet spot to write, a meeting space for your study group, or a break over board games, enjoy a house that feels like home. Our growing library of theological books is also available as a resource—you’re welcome to browse and borrow.

Faculty Support

As a center for scholarship, we support Christian Duke faculty in the work of research and teaching. Events like the Triangle Roundtable and back-to-school cookouts build networks of friends and colleagues. Focused working groups of 3-10 faculty partner together for mentorship, research collaboration, and theological training. 

...and much more.

A home away from home.

Minds don’t think. People do. And people think in homes.

That's us!

East Campus

Upcoming Events

Grad Students

Weekly Wednesday Meal

Wed, Feb 12 at 5:30 p.m.

Come join us for our weekly meal! We'll enjoy fellowship with one another over food prepared by a member of our local community.

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Grad Students

No Longer Strangers: Night of Prayer and Advocacy for Immigration

Wed, Feb 12 at 6:30 p.m.

Next Wednesday, February 12th at 6:30 PM, No Longer Strangers Night of Prayer and Advocacy for Immigration will take place at the Duke Divinity School in the York Room. Allow scripture and communal prayer transform our thinking and participation in this political and social issue. Please come read scripture, pray for immigrants, and if you feel called, write to congressional representatives together in Christian community.

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Grad Students

Theology and Mental Health Seminar

Mon, Feb 17 at 5:30 p.m.

Amid today’s mental health crisis, the world hungers for answers to urgent questions: Why is mental health, especially of young people, worsening? Are counseling and psychiatric medication effective treatments, and how should we discern when to use them? What factors protect against the development of mental illness and encourage genuine human flourishing? Christianity's teachings about body, soul, sin, suffering, and personhood provide a unique and vital perspective on these questions, both theoretical and practical. In this six-week seminar, explore these issues under the guidance of Dr. Warren Kinghorn, a Duke professor, psychiatrist, and theologian, along with other guest teachers, including research psychologists and practicing counselors. We'll learn from their expertise and discuss your questions over shared meals at the CCS House.

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